Now a days students and parents are in real dilemma regarding, right subject selection for their children during schooling and a right career for their future. Today, there are many new age career options available but due to poor knowledge, we are not aware of the same, which results in excess supply of manpower for certain old age jobs like engineering, medical profession and on the other side there is shortage of supply for new age jobs. To overcome this situation there is only one way i.e., to be aware of the job market.. to know about the current and future jobs trends, skills and abilities required. But this is a specialized knowledge which is not generally available to the students. The schools and colleges are primarily responsible for providing this information but they hardly bother. In west advanced countries there are counsellors available in every school and college to guide students but in India the situation is different, the counselling services wherever available is of extremely poor quality and not of much use to the students. The result is to pursue a career in age old professions. Now the point is what should a student do? Take advice of a professional counsellor in time, preferably when you are still studying in std 9th or 10th. But finding a good career counsellor is again a big challenge particularly in smaller cities like Udaipur and Pune.
Career selection is one of the most important decisions of life as it will charter your future growth and the quality of life. Finding a good career counsellor is the first step in this direction and the following lines will surely help you in the same.
Selecting a right career primarily depends upon knowing about our abilities and interests and any career that aligns with our interest and abilities is bound to attract us and encourage us to put best in to it. It is not easy to find out the same and it is important to know what technique is being adopted by the counsellor to assess the same for a child. It may be a test based assessment or a software based but the results should be accurate as far as possible since any wrong assessment will lead to wrong advice a wrong career. The first and foremost thing about the career counsellor should be to check which technique he is adopting and what is the accuracy level of the same. We, at Brain Power are using DMIT Technology since last 7 years to assess the strengths and weaknesses and it has an accuracy level of more than 95%.
The second important point about a good career counsellor is his experience and knowledge about the job market, present and future job trends. A student of 9th or 10th will take around 8 to 10 years to enter the job market and an assessment of situation after so many years is important and can be only expected from an experienced counsellor who has put in considerable time in this field. We at Brain Power have a team of industry experts to guide students for their career choices, tell them about the skills they may require to keep them ahead of the market competition.
The third important thing about a career counsellor is that he should be a good psychologist, we are unique in assessing the personality with accuracy as we believe that success in a profession is directly related to your personality, but sadly it is not given any importance in today’s scenario that is the reason why even a best student of medical college fails to become a successful doctor or a successful engineer or a successful lawyer. We at Brain Power give due importance to it.
The next important thing about a good career counsellor one should see is that he should not be a businessman, we, at Brain Power believe career counselling a noble profession and not a business, a businessman is always after the money and if one gets in to trap of such a career counsellor,he will drain money from the students. Students need counselling at various stages of their life, during the school, after the school during the college, before entering in to the job market and after getting in to the profession. The requirements of a person during the difference stages are different and for every stage you need expert advice and in case if a counsellor if after money you may land up in problem. We at Brain Power strongly feel career counselling as a noble cause for helping the younger generation, and with this focus have kept our fee lowest among counsellors.
Be it Udaipur or Pune. Last but not least, we all refer to Google reviews while selecting some services and in most of the cases we refer to no of reviews but we at Brain Power, advice everyone to go beyond just counting the no of reviews check the language of the review comments that will give you real insight in the quality of services being provided based on the same you can choose a career counsellor for critical and important advice.
With this advice we hope you will certainly not fall into the trap of a wrong counsellor.
Some More References:
- American Counselling Association: https://www.counseling.org/
- National Career Development Association: https://www.ncda.org/
- International Association for Counselling: https://www.iac-irtac.org/
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About Alok Nigam – 67 yrs.
Founder Director @ Brain Power is a Graduate from Delhi University (1976) and a Post graduate in Business Management from IIMM, Mumbai (An Organisation of Professionals associated with Materials Management at National and International Level).
He has worked for more than 40 years in Corporate at different senior positions and retired in 2016 as Sr General Manager.
Perusing with his passion to guide people and students he started his start up co. Brain Power in 2016 itself to guide students and professionals and since then helping them through his vast experience with practical solutions to deal with day to day study and behavior related issues.
Alok Nigam
Founder Director at Brain Power
(Career and personality Counselling co for students and professionals)
Web: brain-power.co.in
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