Today, in India we are 142 Cr. in population, out of which around 68% are in the working age i.e. 15-64 years. The most vulnerable is 15-24 years which is 25 crores. This is the age when we start thinking of choosing a career path and think about the guidance to know the options available so that for the remaining years of your life you not only progress in the right direction but also lead a satisfied and settled life.
The population load of youth and scarcity of jobs have compounded the problems of today’s youth. Advancement of technology has added further woes. Here, the role of a career counsellor comes into picture to know about the careers available and related education paths in the present times.
Our youth is simply not aware about the job market and its dynamics. Most of the students when asked about the career choices reply to become a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer etc., the age old career options. They are simply not aware of the competition, leave aside the amount of hard work required to get that degree. On the top of it there is no one whom a students can look for such guidance, forget about the expert career counselling and guidance. Job market is very dynamic and many of the earlier lucrative jobs have vanished today and are taken over by hundreds of the new career options. Only a good career counsellor would be knowing about all this and be able to guide students correctly.
In advanced countries, career counselling and guidance services are available at school level and are very helpful for students in helping them choose a right career path but in India the situation is different and for choosing subjects/career, students mostly depend upon their parents and friend’s advice. The big question is that the subjects and careers that are good for your friend may not be as suitable for you and we must understand our core strengths and evaluate them carefully before arriving to a decision.

Career selection is a life time decision and one must navigate carefully. Here, comes the role of a career counsellor whose expert guidance may be of immense value for selecting career for students.
Now, the big question is how to go about it – the right time to think about your career choices is when you are still in 9th or 10th std. so that your able to choose correct subjects as per your strengths and interests in class 11th. This is half battle won. And as you further negotiate keep yourself updated with various career options available aligned with chosen subjects, interests and abilities.
We love to do and excel in an area that is close to our heart and to find such career path is important and we, at Brain Power, help students to choose it with accuracy and surety.
Further journey becomes slightly easy when you know your path, thereafter, consolidating on your thoughts and choices becomes important and it can be done by taking help from teachers/ school principal, discussing with parents, family and friends for their inputs about the career choices available for the chosen subjects. Have a close analysis of your abilities and interests aligned with subjects. Thereafter, comes the part of further exploration of various career options available, for which parents need to work with known friends and relations to further shortlist the choices for next few years till you reach 12th std. by what time every one is clear about choices, it’s growth and opportunities available within and outside India.
This detailed study can be further fine-tuned through the known people who are already in the same profession for many years.

Hence, timely action, in-depth study and coordinated efforts by students, parents and teachers can help choose right career and path for students. As per the data 85% of the students are not clear about all these smart ways to choose a career and just blindly follow the crowd and after spending lacks of Rs and important years of life find that chosen career is not for them. Hence, timely selection of right career path is extremely important for the growth and leading a satisfied life.
Career counselling is student centric and without understanding the social strata, psychology, and the other critical factors governing the society in general cannot be effectively done. It is important for us to understand clearly in what circumstances the student has grown up and what is the education system where he/she is getting the education. A child is moulded by the at atmosphere at home during childhood and later by school atmosphere/ friends. Hence, understanding the same is important.
At Brain Power, we give due importance to it. We try to analyse it carefully by talking to parents and the students before the counselling and then effectively providing them solutions which prove extremely helpful.
Udaipur is a small town in Rajasthan with an urban population of around 7 lac. It’s main stream professions are tourism and mining with low concentration of other industries. In such a situation counselling student for various paths and careers that are not available in the town are still more challenging. We, at Brain Power, take special care for this and with our wide experience and exposure guide them for career paths available within Udaipur and outside matching with their interests and abilities. It is equally important to counsel and guide students about the skills required for upgrading their value and stay relevant in the present day market to be competitive. It is also important to be aware of the job trends and to tell students about the same. Any career counselling and guidance without touching these important points is not useful.
Alok Nigam
Founder Director at Brain Power
(Career and personality Counselling co for students and professionals)
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