Kids need different type of Guidance & Counselling during their childhood and early schooling days. With a smart phone in every hand and OTT platform in every house, it has become a challenge for the parents. It has become still more difficult if both the parents are working as they are left with very less time to take care of their children and their problems. With our deep analysis and expertise on this issue, we take special counselling sessions @Brainpower for parents and kids. Hope this blog will be helpful for the parents in bringing up their children in today’s tough times.

In the older days, with in the joint family there used to be grandparents who had strict eye on children’s activities and their habits, they used to guide them on daily basis. Apart from this, the school teachers were like family members and used to pay personal attention to the students which was extremely helpful during the childhood and adolescent age and proved to be the building block for the life.
Times changed and people moved to cities for the jobs, which started the culture of nuclear family with mother staying at home for taking care of the children.The guidance of the mother during the early stages of childhood was important for the children. The schools also become more crowded and personal attention and connection of the teachers with their students also reduced.
Children were more influenced by the friends in school and neighbourhood.
Things further changed when both the parents started working with long travel time to office and long working hrs, they were left with very less time to guide their children on daily basis. It was evident from the behavior and habits of the children. With excess money at disposal and less time it was more damaging.
Impact of Mobile on the Child:
Now every child has a mobile phone in his hand with no control on the content being watched. The result of all this is evident from their behavior and habits. Kids want to know lot of things that are new and happening around them but nowhere to go for the quarries. Internet search confuses them more than clarity, parents have no time and grandparents are absent from the scene. This is a difficult situation for the children, they have their success and difficult stories but nobody to share.
Spending quality time on daily basis with children is extremely important. We @ Brainpower counsel parents for this during our sessions. Parents also must monitor their children for time and content on the mobile phone. We provide practical tips for the same during guidance sessions.
Impact of Home Atmosphere:
Till the age of five mostly a child is confined to home and observes the behavior of parents very closely, this is the first and most important age of learning. Parents must be extremely careful towards their own behavior and habits since at this tender stage their children will be following the same.
Impact of Friends in the School

Once in the school, the social circle of a child goes beyond the boundaries of home and now, they are exposed to a new atmosphere with friends and teachers around them. It is important to understand this change which sometime take longer for a child to adjust. Finding new friends and adopting their habits is quite common. Parents must critically analyse the apparent change if any and approach the teacher to find out the reason. In most the cases parents are only concerned about the academic progress of the child in the school, their school friends are very important at this stage, the behavior and habits are going to influence your child as well in the long run. So, it is important to know with whom your child is spending most of the time during school. During the Parents Teacher Meeting, apart from the academic progress this can be one important point of discussion with the teacher.
Importance of extracurricular Activities:
Extracurricular activities are important for overall development of a child during the early stages and their selection is still more important. During counselling session @Brainpower we counsel parents for the same also. Normally, people select any random activity for their children to pass time, instead, it should be carefully selected for which a child is naturally inclined, be it indoor games, outdoor sports, music, or dance. This activity if selected as per the natural talent of the child is sure to improve them physically and mentally. This also improves their self confidence and improvement in their studies at school.
It has been found to have great impact on the child. During our counselling sessions @BrainPower, we counsel students and parents to choose it carefully and continue it in the higher classes as well.
These small and important tips can certainly help parents to guide their children in these difficult times.
Please refer following websites for more details.
- ISCA (International Schools Counsellors Association):
- World Economic Forum:
- Personality Test:
- Carl Jung:
- William Marston:
- MBTI Test:
- Alfred Binet:
- Free IQ Test:
Please refer to my YouTube videos on this topic on my Channel: @brainpower5403
Please refer review comments of Parents / Students on my YouTube Channel: @brainpower1823
About Alok Nigam – 67 yrs.
Founder Director @ Brain Power is a Graduate from Delhi University (1976) and a Post graduate in Business Management from IIMM, Mumbai (An Organisation of Professionals associated with Materials Management at National and International Level).
He has worked for more than 40 years in Corporate at different senior positions and retired in 2016 as Sr General Manager.
Perusing with his passion to guide people and students he started his start up co. Brain Power in 2016 itself to guide students and professionals and since then helping them through his vast experience with practical solutions to deal with day to day study and behavior related issues.
Alok Nigam
Founder Director at Brain Power
(Career and personality Counselling co for students and professionals)
Call Us: +91 8890739900
YouTube: @brainpower1823 | @brainpower5403
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author.