Everybody wants his children to become a doctor or an engineer without assessment of his capabilities, his learning abilities, and the natural interests and the result is unusual mental pressure on the child resulting in poor performance and depression. This is the most pressing problem of today’s students and through this blog we will try to explain the right way of selecting the subjects during the school or even later.

Subjects Selection for School Students – How to get it right, Expert Guidance @Brain Power
We, as a parent always want the best for our children, be it education or a profession and for this reason the first career option that comes to our mind is the profession of doctor or an engineer. We spend lot of money in sending them to a good school, getting them focused coaching at exorbitant rates and putting lot of pressure on them. But in many cases, all these efforts and money spend does not ensure the desired results and an MBBS or an IIT seat.
What is the reason that despite all these efforts and so much of money and time spent a student is not able to get in to these career options.
The primary reason is tough competition for these professions, there are 15-18 lac students who aspire every year for around 1,25,000 medical seats (Including the MBBS and BDS) which includes the seats reserved for various categories as per the govt rules. Similarly, for around 11,500 IIT seats there are 18 lac aspirants every year. One needs special reading and understanding capabilities to crack these competitions. And if we start dreaming of becoming a doctor or an IIT Engineer without looking or analyzing at our capabilities we are bound to fail.
When a high school student comes to me for guidance to become a doctor or an IIT engineer the first thing I ask is that, “how many hours do you study daily in 9th or 10th std.??”We must know that a student of MBBS is required to study around 40 books (40,000 pages in 5 years and not only read them but also keep them in their memory. Neither Students nor their parents are aware of this volume, which needs different kinds of reading and memorizing capabilities. Even a B. Tech student needs to give around 250 exams during 4 years of the course.
The pressure of exam and competition is so much that even the toppers of the schools fail to perform in such courses.
Every day we hear about the suicides by school students of 11th or 12th, and the primary reasons that has come to light is that students are unable to cope with this kind of pressure and take extreme step. In one way we as parents are also responsible to push our children in to wrong career options due to our aspirations, without judging their capabilities.
The best way for subject selection of high school students is first to check the capabilities of our child, so that they do not fall in to trap of wrong career option and instead go far what is best for them.

Normally, children are of three types.
- Academic Oriented: are Studious, generally interested in Books, Able to spend long hrs on research through books/ internet.
- People Oriented: are happy to interact with people.
- Creative & Innovative Oriented: like to do new things, in their own way, not much interested in study and people.
Basic requirements to become an engineer is:
- To be extremely high in academics,
- Enjoys Science, especially Physics and Maths,
- Able to handle academic pressure,
- Willing to spend long hrs in study,
- Curious to know about the machines.
Basic requirement to become a Doctor is:
- Very high in academics and people oriented,
- Enjoys studying Biology, Chemistry and Physics,
- Able to memorise lot of stuff,
- Able to work under pressure,
- Able to spend very less time in Fun Activities,
- Comfortable handling academic pressure.
Basic requirements for Commerce subjects:
- Average good in academics,
- Enjoys accounts, Economics and Statistics,
- Great liking for numbers/data,
- Comfortable spending time in analyzing data.
Basic requirements for Arts and Humanities:
- Average good in academics,
- Average good in people orientation,
- Enjoys subjects like English, History, Psychology,
- Good observer of people, society, social and human behaviour,
- Comfortable in communicating with stranger.
With these basic points in mind parents can analyse their children for the performance during the schooling years and then decide about the courses to be opted for, instead of just following what the others are doing and putting pressure on child.
Today’s times are very competitive and an average performer has a difficult way ahead. Parent’s right decision is certainly going to help a child.
Please refer following websites for more details.
- ISCA (International Schools Counsellors Association): https://iscainfo.com/
- Michel & Susan Dell Foundation: https://www.dell.org/
- World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/contact-us/office-locations
- Dainik Bhaskar Jaipur: https://www.bhaskar.com/
Please refer to my YouTube videos on this topic on my Channel: @brainpower5403
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DvSropC6WM
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjDgFlWx5ig
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XYUZ72GT6E&t=2s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxcrY-_hZcU&t=20s
Please refer review comments of Parents / Students on my YouTube Channel: @brainpower1823
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgyRTugShxI&t=40s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkYCQhw9NMQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhJmtb1UZrU&t=33s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgyRTugShxI&t=40s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzUwVrgwVD0&t=3s
About Alok Nigam – 67 yrs.
Founder Director @ Brain Power is a Graduate from Delhi University (1976) and a Post graduate in Business Management from IIMM, Mumbai (An Organisation of Professionals associated with Materials Management at National and International Level).
He has worked for more than 40 years in Corporate at different senior positions and retired in 2016 as Sr General Manager.
Perusing with his passion to guide people and students he started his start up co. Brain Power in 2016 itself to guide students and professionals and since then helping them through his vast experience with practical solutions to deal with day to day study and behavior related issues.
Alok Nigam
Founder Director at Brain Power
(Career and personality Counselling co for students and professionals)
Web: brain-power.co.in
Call Us: +91 8890739900
YouTube: @brainpower1823 | @brainpower5403
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author.