It is a known fact that we enjoy doing, what we love to do. It is also the most important factor for somebody’s professional excellence. God has gifted all of us with some unique gifts but identifying them is difficult and confusing, once identified, it gives us important clues to professional fields where one can excel.

As We are Providing Career counseling for students we must have observed that in a class there are many students which are good in math, whereas, some are good in English, while others excel in arts or public speaking. We never deeply think about the reasons for the same except scolding our children to do better in the subjects they are not so good. That’s the reason we provide Career counseling in Pune who are confused about their career.
Scientists Have Deeply Studied This to Find Out the reasons…
There are many tools designed to assess the abilities in developed countries and being used frequently with varied accuracy levels but the big question is. Is it not possible to identify core strengths without these tools? Yes, it can be.
For understanding, you need to be a “detective” of your life and carefully analyze yourself. Parents and teachers can play an important role in as career guidance counselors this, as this needs to identifying
A. What you love to do…
B. Who are your favorite types of people…
C. What are you good at (abilities)…
D. What is important for you (attitude)…
How to discover your favorite interests (what you love to do)
- Discover how you spend your time.
- Out of these activities what is the activity – you love most
- Your favorite subjects in school. ( put preference by putting sl no 1, 2,3..)
- Write on sticky notes what you love to do in your free time ( write your 05 preferences)
- When you are in the library which subject books do you pickup first and read?
Fill in the following blanks …
- When I am doing ……….., I lose track of time and do not want anybody to disturb me.
- List down your 5 favorite hobbies.
- Internet/websites you have earmarked and what is their subject matter
- What kind of problems do you like to solve.
- What kind of questions do your friends or classmates bring to you for help?

Now, based on these answers make a list of your priorities and if your interests change, update your list and start working in the direction of acquiring professional skills and education.
Based on the above answers you are most likely to fall predominantly in any of the categories:
Verbal/linguistic intelligence:
If you have good verbal skills and sensitivity to sounds.
Logical/math intelligence:
Excellent mathematical operations and scientific investigation, strong ability to analyze issues.
Visual/spatial intelligence:
Good in collecting and processing visual information.
Good in sports, dance, doing things by hand then reading.
Music/ erythematic intelligence:
Skillful in performing and composing music.
Special attraction towards music.
Interpersonal intelligence:
Excel in dealing with people.
Intrapersonal intelligence
Introvert, spend time alone, self-motivated.
Naturalist intelligence:
Sensitive towards nature and animals.
Each intelligence has a list of professions where one can excel, perusing the courses and related skills can additionally help one in excelling in his professional life. For more information about your career, you can take the help of a career consultant.
Alok Nigam
Founder Director at Brain Power
(Career and personality Counselling co for students and professionals)
Call Us: +91 8890739900
YouTube: @brainpower1823 | @brainpower5403